Broad Metro Announces Positive Meeting with Trace Crossings Residents Regarding Stadium Trace Village Phase Two Development
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – April 9, 2024 – Broad Metro LLC, the developer of Stadium Trace Village in Hoover, Ala., recently conducted a productive meeting with over 50 residents of Trace Crossings on Monday, April 8. The gathering focused on the proposed second phase of Stadium Trace Village, an 82-acre, $250 million development project. Plans for this phase include a performing arts center, Golf Suites golf bay instruction and entertainment center, a 25-bed appointment only surgical center, two medical office buildings, a 50,000-square-foot , a high-end Home Furnishing Showroom (mostly appointment only), dining space, a Hotel and 1.5 miles of walking and bicycle trails. Additionally, 36 acres of forested area and green space will be preserved.
At the meeting, William Kadish, CEO of Broad Metro, actively engaged with residents to discuss the project’s details, answer questions, and address concerns. Residents raised various topics, including traffic management, noise mitigation, light pollution, blasting concerns, and the proposed second phase of possible connector roads. The constructive dialogue led to many concerns being effectively addressed, resulting in a productive exchange that left several residents satisfied. Despite differing viewpoints, many of attendees expressed strong support for the project, emphasizing its potential to bring substantial benefits to the community and enhance the quality of life in Trace Crossings.
Kadish emphasized Broad Metro’s commitment to community collaboration and addressing resident concerns. He assured residents that the development would strive to be a positive addition to the community and that measures would be taken to minimize or entirely eliminate adverse impacts.
Broad Metro has assembled a team of experts for the proposed development, including Gonzalez-Strength & Associates for civil engineering and Skipper Consulting, Inc. for transportation engineering. Regarding blasting concerns, Gonzalez assured residents that blasting would be minimal and located away from residential areas. Kadish discussed amendments proposed by Councilman Members to require that a performance bond be posted to ensure that any such blasting occurred in a responsible way with only quality contractors that had the ability to post such a bond to cover any potential damages resulting from blasting. Kadish noted that blasting occurred responsibly on every development he has done including Stadium Trace Village Phase one and that the engineer assured him that phase two will be substantially less.
Kadish also clarified that the connector road was not essential to the project and would not be built unless the City and residents wanted it to occur with a decision to occur in several years after analysis of all other potential roads and assuming the residents wanted it. He assured residents of ample buffering, berms and additional tree lines between the development and residential neighborhoods to mitigate noise and prevent any spill over light, including a 100-foot conservation easement to be added next to the existing 50-foot-wide easement. Also the 17 acres between Scout Lake and North ridge would remain forested area.
The proposed development also includes a $2.25 million-dollar drainage system with five retention ponds, designed to retain, filter and improve water quality for down stream lake and to benefit wildlife and public enjoyment. Also, the abandoned mines including several very large dangerous will all be remediated. Broad Metro will undertake this infrastructure work on behalf of the city at no additional cost to Hoover.
Furthermore, Kadish underscored the economic benefits of the development, highlighting the anticipated increase in tax revenues for the city and school system. Currently, the property generates only $12,500 a year in taxes. The Hoover school system and County will gain over $3.5 million a year in increased real estate taxes, construction, lodging and sales taxes from year one, without any additional students being added to the schools. Additionally, the City of Hoover will profit from outset and once the tax rebate period ends, the city of Hoover will be the biggest financial beneficiary.
The Hoover City Council is scheduled to consider the project on April 15. Broad Metro looks forward to continued dialogue with residents and city officials in the coming weeks. Another meeting is scheduled for Thursday April 11, 6 PM at Walk Ons Patio. Residents only, No Media and or Elected Officials
For more information on Stadium Trace Village’s second phase, please visit www.broadmetro.com or Stadium Trace Village on Face Book